Suzaku's Flame

the story bohai li

 intro  A former pirate turned 'revolutionist' from the Far East with a taste for mischief and fashion. He's a well-known tailor capable of weaving the world's most beautiful kimonos, but he swears like a sailor. Bohai is a proud Hingan native who prioritizes individuality and freedom above all else, but he appears to be lacking in common sense.

 rule i.  I do not appreciate being pressured into erotic roleplay (erp), therefore do not do it. I will block you if you persist. i prefer organic romances, not one night stands. rule ii.  i will not tolerate racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism. I refuse to tolerate bigotry in my personal spaces, and i will not tolerate such bigotry among my rp partners. if i notice something offensive about you or your character, i will cease all contact. rule iii.  no, power-gaming or metagaming, please! especially in combat scenarios. i prefer to roll for initiative d20 style or /dice 100. rule iv.  ooc communication is key in this collaborative hobby. therefore, feel free to talk to me if something is bothering you about me or my portrayal of bohai. rule v.  ic ≠ ooc is a major rule of mine. roleplay is merely a social hobby for me and while i enjoy this hobby immensely, i'm not my character. my character's ic sentiments do not reflect my own and vice-versa. i also do not accept the concept "it's what my character would do" as an acceptable exemption for breaking common courtesy.

 rule vi.  I personally don't mind roleplaying with lore-bendy characters, especially since Bohai comes from a long line of yokai. However, I'm hesitant to roleplay with those who rp as voidsents because of the nature of their being. So, I reserve the right to stop a roleplay session if I feel it's getting too crazy. rule vii.  Do you want to date my character? Feel free, but keep in mind that Bohai is quick to throw hands at anyone who gets too touchy with him. rule viii.  No RP fighting unless spoken and discussed about in OOC. While I like to roleplay out fight scenes, I would like to make sure that both roleplayers are on the same page in regards to what happens in a fight scene. rule ix.  I tend to roleplay mature/dark themes, which means I don't want to play with anyone under the age of 21. If I find out you're a teenager/minor, I will cut off all contact with you. rule x.  No meme-y joke characters, please. I'm not interested in playing my character against a glorified meme in the form of a final fantasy character.

"It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first." (「最初は難しく感じるかもしれないが、すべてのことは最初は難しい」)

nameBohai Liage26
occupationkimono maker/former piratelanguagehingan, doman, eorzean

 etymology Bohai Li is actually comprised of several different Chinese characters. Bo 波 means "wave" & Hai 海 means "ocean" or "sea". The surname of Li 李 means "plum". Altogether his name means "plum ocean wave.

  • height : 5 fulms, 6 ilms

  • weight : 123 Ibs

  • eye color : eye color

  • hair color : rose gold (pink)

  • skin color : fair

  • piercings : ears only

  • tattoos : irezumi tattoos

  • scars : a couple of scars on his legs

  • symbols : symbols

  • accessories : a long ornate smoking pipe

 biography  When Doma was taken over by Garlemald when Bohai was only four years old. His father was killed during the onslaught, leaving just him, his mother, and his sister to flee from the capital alone. A fatal illness struck his older sister during their perilous journey. Even though his mother was a well-known healer, his sister perished in the Spring of that year, shortly after they reached Kugane. Thankfully, by a stroke of luck, Bohai and his mother were fortunate to reunite with his father's family.
His grandfather, Mitsui, was a renowned kimono maker in Kugane who was quite known for his craft. Upon learning about the death of his son, Mitsui took it upon himself to raise Bohai in his place. It's because of his grandfather's tutelage that Bohai learned the tips and tricks of the craft. He was just ten years old when he started sewing fabric for his grandfather's shop. As the years pressed on, Bohai eventually became a specialist in his craft. When Bohai became sixteen, he started taking over his grandfather's commissions from the local geisha and *miko of the *Karyūkai District, which helped him find fame.
However, his newfound business and popularity earned the attention of the Garlean emissaries stationed in Kugane. His grandfather often only did business with the locals but wouldn't shun outsiders seeking to own a kimono of their own, but Bohai did. He refused to sell any of his clothing to the Garleans, often stating that such violent dogs had no right to wear the clothes of his people. News of his defiance quickly became the talk of the town. While his grandfather pleaded with him to cause a fuss, Bohai continued to refuse. It's because of his defiance that the Garleans decided to heavily tax his family's shop, virtually making it impossible for them to earn any revenue. This forced his family to close their shop, which caused his grandfather to die from grief.Feeling directly responsible for his family's decline, Bohai left Kugane at age eighteen. He joined the ranks of the Confederacy, a band of pirates that ruled over the Ruby Sea. He worked for the pirates as a smuggler who helped procure foreign goods from Eorzea. His time with the pirates was tumultuous at best since he wasn't much of a fighter and lacked nautical skills. It took him a while to learn how to swim, but he nevertheless learned how to be a pirate.However, Bohai was always quite the looker. It was easy to confuse the poor boy for a girl, and even easier for Bohai to use his looks to get what he wants. So instead of being a pirate, Bohai became more of an "informant". He worked at the various teahouses in Kugane as kagema so he could spy on the invaders that seized their homeland. While he wasn't particularly proud of his line of work, Bohai was able to send information back to the pirates in hopes of keeping the Resistance one step ahead of the Garleans. While the pirates of the Ruby Sea always liked to proclaim their neutrality in terms of the war, Bohai knew it would only be a matter of time until the flames of resistance would be stoked once more.

  • weaknesses

  • prideful

  • mistrustful

  • uninformed/uneducated

  • temperamental

  • overeager

  • strengths

  • physical strength

  • deceptive

  • introspective

  • charismatic

  • dexterous

  • flaws

  • liar

  • indifferent

  • prejudice

  • curious

  • rude


 he's a pirate As explained in his biography, Bohai is a former Confederate pirate hailing from the Ruby Sea. While he's been trying to readjust back into society shortly after the Garlean's defeat in Doma, Bohai sometimes falls back into his old habits. He's nice on the outside but rough on the inside. While he does his best to put aside his rough and tumble personality, it's rather rough for Bohai to have to use words rather than a cutlass to make his point. Bohai has a habit of turning to violence when pushed too far and doesn't seem to show much regret for his actions.

 a fighter  Don't let his cutesy appearance fool you. While Bohai is rather petite and frail-looking in appearance, he's a bit of a wildcat when it comes down to combat. He loves the thrill of combat and often looks for a good challenge. He's one of the many champions of the Grindstone and an active member of the Confederates, the pirates who rule the Ruby Sea. He's always up for a good spar but sometimes he tends to hesitate out of fear of accidentally killing his opponents.

 need a kimono?  Despite his rough around the edges persona, Bohai happens to be a rather accomplished kimono weaver. The art of crafting kimonos is no small feat since it requires hours of practice and patience. It takes him weeks on end to finish a single order since he's doing everything by hand. It's because of his profession that Bohai is always on the hunt for the best and finest silk in the land. Bohai takes great pride in his works and even has a store in Kugane called "Hinokami" which is named after his grandfather's old shop.